In France, the number of road heavy hauliers who have started testing and/or using trucks powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) is increasing.

The most recent entry into the club of French carriers that in the past months has invested in LNG - such as Transport BPFM, Transport Mauffrey, Transport P. Mendy, Transport Barré, Transport Giacomin, Transport Ageneau, Transportation Picq & Charbonnier and Perrenot Group - has been marked by Brelet-Gazeau group, with the acquisition of two new LNG vehicles.

The Brelet-Gazeau company, established in 2013 following the acquisition of Brelet-Transports company by Transports Gazeau, - can rely on 200 trailers, 520 Gray Cards, and three logistics centers in Nantes in the Loire-Atlantique, Marcoussis in the Essonne near Paris and Montigny en Gohelle in the Lille area.

"Our aim is to offer our customers a virtuous transport offer, which aims to reduce our annual CO2 emissions," says Richard Gazeau, CEO of the Gazeau-Brelet group.

For the two LNG powered heavy vehicles, which currently operate on the Nantes-Paris-Lille-Le Havre routes, 6 drivers have been specifically trained for their peculiar technical characteristics.

Source: Actu Transport Logistique Read original: