Brivio & Viganò Logistics, a leading Italian company in the food logistics sector of Usmate Velate (Monza and Brianza Province), has acquired 4 new liquefied natural gas (LNG) vehicles, relying on Scania to start a transition to sustainable transport.

The choice of Brivio & Viganò fell on Scania vehicles with the new 13-liter engine and a torque of 2,000 Nm and 410 hp, a real innovation that consolidates the use of methane for long-haul transport. In fact, these vehicles are designed for long-distance missions, thanks to the comparable performance of a diesel engine of equal power that, in terms of sustainability, ensure a 15% reduction in CO2 emissions with the use of natural gas fossil origin, while with biomethane it can guarantee a reduction of up to 90%.

The delivery follows the collaboration started with Scania in 2017 to test the use of a new LNG engine (see the news ConferenzaGNL of 27 July 2017 at -motrice-scania-LNG /).

"The collaboration with Scania on this project was started more than a year ago. After the test period of the new tractors and obtained important and positive results, we decided to continue in this direction ", underlined Alessandro Viganò, Brivio & Viganò Area Vehicle Manager. "Alternative solutions to diesel fuel are always interesting for those who, like us, work in the world of heavy transport and must contribute to reducing the environmental impact, while at the same time obtaining savings in economic terms".

"There are more and more transport companies that decide to rely on Scania to embark on a path of sustainability", said Franco Fenoglio, President and CEO of Italscania. "Natural gas or biomethane engines are a very interesting solution for the Italian market, also in light of the expected developments following the recent government decree. I am sure that the new Liquefied gas Scania vehicles will allow Brivio & Viganò to continue to successfully respond to the demands of clients who are increasingly sensitive to the issue of sustainability. We are ready to work alongside a leading company in the field of food logistics such as Brivio & Viganò to guide together the transition process towards a sustainable transport system. Only by working together, at the ecosystem level, by involving our customers and their customers, we will really be able to give a concrete answer to the important expectations regarding heavy transport in terms of reduced emissions".

Fonte Camonistionline