Elengy and its subsidiary Fosmax LNG (72,5% Elengy and 27,5% Total), owner of the Fos Cavaou LNG terminal, have started modification work at the terminal to offer a new LNG bunker-vessel loading service.

This service will enable the terminal to accommodate smaller vessels (capacity less than 20,000 m3 ) which, after loading their LNG tanks at Fos Cavaou, will be able to supply ships in the port of Marseille-Fos and other sites in the Mediterranean sea.

This new facility, which will be completed in June 2019, enriches the offer of the Fos-sur-Mer LNG terminals, which already accommodate the unloading of LNG carriers up to  265,000 m3 (Q-Max type extra large LNG tankers).

Elengy and Fosmax LNG estimate that the Fos Cavaou terminal will be able to accommodate around 50 micro-tankers per year, in other words one a week, always under optimal conditions of safety, reliability and performance.

An investment of about €3 million is envisaged, concerning the loading arms, the mooring systems and boarding and terminal access: the loading arms will be adapted to enable connection of smaller vessels; new hooks will be placed on the jetty to receive vessels 100 metres or more length overall; boarding mechanisms will also be modified to take into account the lower deck height of small-scale LNG vessels; the installation of a check valve on a second loading arm to secure the loading service.

In recognition of its positive impact on energy transition, 30% of the project is being financed by European funding.

More and more cruise ships, container ships and ferries now operate or plan to operate using LNG, a response to the challenges of energy transition in terms of cleaner energy. Economically very competitive, LNG and natural gas reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) by a quarter, NOx emissions (NOx) by 90% and sulfur emissions (SOx) and particulate matter by almost 100% compared to currentlyused shipping fuels. This makes LNG, available now, an essential alternative energy source for sea transport.

Based on the deliberation of French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) of 29 June 2017, the tariff for small-scale LNG vessels loading service at Fos Cavaou is calculated on the following formula: Max (€50 k; €1.5 €/MWh).

It has been approved on the basis of 40 operations per year, over the period 2019-2023 which corresponds to the annual subscriptions expected during the ATTM5 tariff period once the service is launched.

Source Elengy