Belgium’s Fluxys has taken over the concession in the port of Antwerp at quay 526-528 to make liquefied natural gas (LNG) available as an alternative fuel for ships and barges, in one of the Port Authority's key initiatives to make the port's activities more sustainable.

Fluxys will add a permanent LNG bunkering facility by the end of next year to complement the existing mobile (truck-to-ship) bunkering service.

For this purpose, the company teamed up with G&V Energy Group, which will also build an LNG filling station for trucks on the same site.

Fluxys already enables barges and smaller seagoing ships to bunker LNG smoothly and flexibly 24/7 using LNG tanker trucks, a procedure known as truck-to-ship bunkering. Captains as well as LNG suppliers can reserve a slot using the online platform , to moor at quay 526-528 and take on LNG.
