First LOTOS LNG station in Poland, seventh in the country

In Poland, the LOTOS oil group has promoted an agreement between the distribution company LOTOS Paliwa and the company Remontowa LNG Systems Sp. for the design and construction of a pilot LNG refueling station in Gdansk-Osowa, which will be the first station of such type of the LOTOS Group in the country.

The facility, which will allow refuelling of both liquefied natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles, is expected to start commercial operations in mid-2021. An  automatic control and monitoring system will allow its operation with remote assistance by a single person.

Its location - on the ring road that bypasses the Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot metropolitan area (on the road to the portual city of Gdynia on the Baltic) - will contribute to the development of the transport infrastructure in the province of Gdansk along the route of the trans transport networks - European TEN-T, using EU co-financing under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

Currently, four LNG refueling stations are already operating in Poland, respectively in Warsaw (LNG and L-GNC), Śrem (LNG and L-GNC), Krzywa (LNG) and Kostomłot (LNG); in addition, two other stations are under construction in Gorzyczki (LNG) and Warsaw (LNG).

In Poland, as from August 2020, vehicles powered by natural gas (both LNG and CNG) have been exempt from paying excise duties, with a significant reduction in the net price per kilogram for LNG.

Polish metalworking company Remontowa LNG Systems Sp. Z o.o. has implemented a research and development pilot project (co-financed by EU funds) which aims to optimize LNG-powered vehicles and to increase the use of this fuel.

Source: LOTOS