An absolute innovation in the small scale LNG industrial chain: for the first time liquid methane was produced in Italy. Ecomotive Solution and NEC concluded the test phase of LNG production with an innovative plant located in the industrial area of GI&E of Porto Recanati (MC), a producer of components for gas turbines and compressors.

The plant, equipped with compression technology components, continuously produces LNG starting from natural gas taken from the pipeline network. The project aims to cover the demand for LNG foreseen for the biogas-biomethane-bioGNL cycle and to satisfy all the LNG needs in areas where imports are not available.

The "autochthonous" LNG can be used in maritime, road transport,  industries and other consumption centers sectors, especially if they are interested in the zero environmental impact of bioGNL.

Since the small scale LNG volumes required by the various applications can change significantly, the project aims to cover all the micro and mini liquefaction segments, starting from the minimum possible threshold, 2 tons / day, developing a scalable technology up to the limit above which adequate "big LNG" technologies have already been spread for years (over 50 tons / day).

The two companies are now engaged in the standardization phase of the plant that will shortly go on the market with the "2LNG" brand in the sizes 4, 8, 40 tons / day. The 2 ton / day prototype plant will now be modernized and transferred to the Manerbio (BS) service station of Bergas by Marco Facchinetti, near the A21 exit towards Cremona. For the LNG logistics and transport activities the company collaborates with Ecomotive Solution, NEC-RAM, Bergas and GAS CAVALLI.

ConferenceGNL delegates had the honor of being present at the last phase of the prototype plant activity and to see the first national liquid methane leaving the tank and evaporating. Great satisfaction by Giovanni Deregibus, Director of Ecomotive Solution and Roberto Roasio, Chief Operating Officer, Giorgio Copelli, General Manager of NEC, Giovanni Bravi, Techology Developer, Luisa Brega, Sales Manager, Elisa Palmerini, Process Engineer; Marco Facchinetti, Bregas, Simone Cavalli, GAS CAVALLI and  Lorenzo Ghergo, from GI&E which has also supplied relevant components.