First LNG by rail from Marseille to Milan

For the first time, LNG was transported by rail with an isocontainer loaded at the LNG terminal in Fos Cavaou (Marseille) and delivered to a service station near Milan. LNG loads by train already arrive in Northern Italy but coming from the coast of Northern Europe, having to cover much greater distances.

The operation, carried out by Elengy (which manages the Fos Cavaou regasification terminal) and Total Energies, in collaboration with the Port Authority of Marseille, was commented by the LNG Director of the French private group Total, Thomas Maurisse, "This test gave the opportunity to participate in the development of a new LNG supply chain for Northern Italy, a region where demand is growing rapidly and where we are a leader in supply from the Fos Cavaou terminal. The use of the railway will reduce the CO2 emissions associated with the transport of LNG, contributing to our goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050".

There are many advantages that this solution can offer, in fact in addition to allowing the transport of large volumes of LNG with multiple isocontainers on the same train, it reduces costs and facilitates its penetration in different regions, significantly reducing the polluting emissions associated with its transport. In fact, many tankers still use diesel to transport LNG.

In 2017, with our Regional Climate Plan, we committed ourselves to taking concrete actions to develop sustainable mobility solutions for the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region. Four years later, it is a great pleasure to see that our region is home to this exceptional innovation. Through this process, which allows for better transport of LNG in France and Europe, Elengy contributes to the democratization of this fuel", added Renaud Muselier, president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region.

Source: Elengy