The Authority of Harbor System of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea announced it has completed the pre-feasibility study, in collaboration with the University of Campania, for the launch of construction of an LNG bunkering facility in the port of Naples, in compliance with the Community guidelines on the energy policies and the provisions set by the National Energy Strategy (SEN).

Based on the results of this study, the Authority will publish, on January 26, 2018, a request of  an expression of interest addressed to market operators wishing to make the investment.

The interested subjects will then be able to discuss, in a joint meeting with the interested parties, the characteristics of the subsequent tender that will be issued by the Authority itself.

Due to the strategic importance of the initiative, the Authority will take into consideration manifestations of interest that will come from skilled industrial groups in the sector, able to team up with local companies, guaranteeing at the same time industrial and financial soundness and market management capacity.

At the end of the procedure, the Authority will issue a license, submitted to obtaining all the authorizations required by law for the subsequent construction of the plants.

The Port of Naples is one of the largest Italian seaports and one of the largest seaports in the Mediterranean Sea basin, with an annual traffic capacity of around 25 million tons of cargo and 500,000 TEUs.

Further information may be addressed to the Authority at the following e-mail address: