Enagás and BP Oil España to promote the use of gas in the transport sector in Spain.

The agreement signed by the two companies aims to support the development of projects along three lines of action: the promotion of infrastructure for LNG and methane in the sustainable transport sector; production and promotion of renewable gases consumption; the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation projects. The agreement was signed by Luis Aires, President of BP Oil España, and Marcelino Oreja, CEO of Enagás.

Enagás, through its subsidiary Scale Gas, will build LNG and CNG refueling points using the BP service station network, which will also purchase the biomethane produced by Bioengas, Enagás branch, to market it through its fuel distribution network. The agreement also aims to promote the use of renewable gas in the Spanish transport sector, helping to reduce the sector's environmental footprint and increase the share of gas in the country's energy mix.

Finally, the agreement provides for the development of entrepreneurial and business projects in the sectors of innovation, energy transition and sustainable mobility.

Source: LNG Industries