Eesti Gas signs five year contract for LNG bunkering to Megastar ship

AS Eesti Gaas and AS Tallink Grupp have signed a framework agreement, according to which Eesti Gaas will supply Megastar vessel traveling between Tallinn and Helsinki with liquefied natural gas (LNG)  during the following five years. Tallink´s new generation LNG/diesel powered Ro-Pax fast ferry Megastar, which is 212 metres in length and takes 2 800 passengers, has been delivered  by Meyer Turk shipyard in January 2017. The ship involved a $ 230 million investment, co-financed by EU (through the Connecting Europe Facility - CEF) with 4.8 million Euros. In 2017, 675 semi-trailers of LNG were bunkered to Megastar amounting to 12,312 tonnes (169.5 GWh). Megastar is bunkered in Vanasadam, directly from the LNG semi-trailer to the ship, two till four trailers per night depending on the vessel´s needs. Janek Stalmeister, Chairman of the Management Board of Tallink “Eesti Gaas is a reliable partner, and our co-operation for over a year now has proved to us that LNG supply is reliable and the quality of the gas good, therefore, we have decided to increase LNG quantities supplied by Eesti Gaas compared to last year