Recently, the Management Committee of the Port Authority of the Sea of ​​Sardinia expressed its unanimous opinion in favor of a 50-year maritime concession in favor of Edison SPA in the portual area of Oristano.

Located along the southern navigable canal of the industrial Port of Oristano for a surface area and relative water mirror, of 11,140 and 7,857 square meters respectively, the area can accommodate the construction of a dock for the landing of gas tankers serving a coastal storage center of  liquefied natural gas (LNG) and naval units that intend to use Oristano as a Mediterranean hub for supplying the fuel.

The project will guarantee the supply, transportation and distribution of LNG under security and price conditions for the Sardinian community similar to those of other Italian regions, thus promoting the development of a competitive market system. This final endorsement concludes a long and complex bureaucratic procedure launched in 2016 which, after obtaining the necessary favorable opinions from the Ministries of the Environment and Cultural Heritage on environmental and landscape compatibility, has reached the Management Committee table that has decided to go ahead with the release of the fifty-year concession.

The AdSP Management Committee also renewed its favourable opinion on  a the second project at Porto Torres, for which, in 2016, the Provincial Industrial Consortium presented, to the former Port Committee of the former AP of Northern Sardinia, a request for a general opinion on a possible release of a maritime state concession for the construction of a coastal depot with ship loading and unloading terminal. The new approval should be useful to stimulate the interest of economic operators who will be part of the public-private partnership that will carry out the deposit and cryogenic pipeline. For this other LNG project, the CIP of Sassari has already acquired a Technical and Economic Feasibility Study, a Preliminary Safety Report, the subjection to Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment and, not least, the possible financing by the Ministry of Economic Development for the supply and installation of three loading and unloading arms.

"With the favorable opinion of the Management Committee on strategic projects such as LNG deposits in Oristano and Porto Torres - said Massimo Deiana, President of the Sardinia Sea AdSP - we officially launch a new energy and environmental policy for the Ports of Sardinia, which are candidates as a Mediterranean hub for eco-friendly bunkering. In addition to support the supply of gas to the island, we are resolutely aiming to give greater competitiveness to our Ports in the Mediterranean scenario ".

Source AdSP del Mare di Sardegna