Dutch Rolande opens its first LNG station in Germany

Rolande, market leader in the Netherlands in the construction of infrastructure for the production of liquefied natural gas and bio-LNG for trucks, has recently entered the German LNG market with the opening of its first LNG filling station in the city of Ulm.

The LNG station was inaugurated on 8 July last by Jolon van der Schuit, CEO of Rolande, in the presence of the Sales and Marketing Director of Iveco Magirus AG, Christian Sulser, and by the mayor of the city of Ulm, Gunter Czisch.

The Ulm filling station is part of the Connect2LNG project funded by the CEF program of the European Commission.

Additional LNG stations with commercial partners in Dortmund, Duisburg, Grasdorf, Lübeck and Ziesar will follow later this year. A further expansion of the network is expected in Germany for 2021. Each of these filling stations will already be equipped for subsequent use of bio-LNG. In this way, long-distance heavy haulage across Germany will benefit from the cost and sustainability benefits of liquefied biogas.

In Germany, the use of LNG is subsidized by the State. Trucks operating on liquefied (or compressed) natural gas are exempt from the German road toll until 31 December 2023. Operators thus save up to 18.7 cents of road toll on each kilometer traveled; they also benefit from state subsidies for the purchase of new vehicles up to the end of 202 which amount up to € 12,000 for an LNG truck (up to € 8,000 for a compressed natural gas truck).

Currently, Rolande owns the largest number of LNG stations in the Netherlands.

Source: Rolande BV