Call for Papers 2019

Mirumir launches the Call for Papers for "The Small Scale LNG Use, Euro-Mediterranean Conference & Expo", scheduled for May 15th and 16th 2019 in Naples.

The new direct uses of LNG in land, maritime, rail and aerospace transport as well as in the distribution network industries far from gas pipelines has led to the emergence of a specific industrial chain, a new market and a wave of scientific research activity and technological innovation.

Although known for many years, the technologies of the natural gas liquefaction sector, its transport and regasification for the introduction into large gas pipelines, now require a great deal of miniaturization and readjustment to meet the specific demands of final consumers.

In this context there are other big news, such as the production of bioLNG, hydrogen and synthetic LNG, to be mixed with liquefied natural gas from the reservoir, drastically reducing the already reduced environmental impact of fossil natural gas, because it is produced from renewable sources.

Many universities, research centers and innovative companies have been active in a variety of initiatives that merit greater visibility, comparison and discussion with the subjects directly concerned, who find themselves at the LNG Conference of 15 and 16 May 2019 in Naples, the natural and more qualified meeting place.

Mirumir - LNG conference organizer - calls for maximum participation in the Call for Papers and invites interested and key players in the sector to spread the initiative at national and international level.