BioLNG by Lazzari & Lucchini with IES Biogas, Green Arrow and TotalEnergies

In Verolanuova, in the province of Brescia, last June the Lazzari & Zucchini Company started the "Bio Industry" plant built by IES Biogas for the production of bioLNG from the treatment of by-products of the agro-livestock chain. The Green Arrow Capital investment fund participated in the investment, the first financial institution to do so, while TotalEnergies contracted the purchase of the production.

The plant, the third of this type in operation in Italy, produces liquefied biomethane through the process of anaerobic digestion of livestock effluents and agricultural by-products, obtaining at the same time organic fertilizers, rich in organic substances vital for soil nourishment, and a digestate high quality liquid.

At full capacity, the site will treat approximately 47,000 tons of livestock waste and agricultural biomass (triticale and sorghum) per year, working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to return up to 1,800 tons of bioGNL per year, destined for use. in heavy transport.

A representative of Carrefour also participated in the inauguration ceremony, in which ConferenzaGNL collaborated, underlining the importance for the large-scale retail trade of having their products travel on vehicles powered by zero climate impact fuels.

Source: Green Arrow Capital