Bio-LNG soon in Veneto

Last August IES BIOGAS, a company of the Snam group specialized in the design, construction, management and assistance of biogas and biomethane plants, built in Veneto a plant for the production of biomethane from livestock manure for the production of bio-LNG up to a total capacity of about 13,000 tons / year. This is the fourth plant in Italy after the two in Lombardy and one in Piedmont.

The plant, with a capacity of 8.8 million Sm3 / year, will use animal manure from about 58 local farms and will be able to produce, downstream of the purification and liquefaction process, up to 6,300 tons / year of bio-LNG, destined for feeding of heavy transport vehicles. The plant was built on the same site as an existing biogas plant, currently undergoing upgrading for biomethane processing. This will increase the complex's bioGNL capacity by an additional 7600 tons / year.

Marco Mazzero, CEO of IES BIOGAS, underlines how the production of liquefied biomethane in Europe is expected to increase by about ten times by 2030 and that the fleet of heavy vehicles powered by LNG will reach 280,000 units. The estimates, reported by the European Biogas Association, reinforce the forecast of a strong development of the bioGNL sector in the old continent in the face of the current fight against decarbonisation implemented by the European Union in the heavy transport and shipping sectors.

Source: IES Biogas