Bio-LNG plant starting in Novi Ligure

After its installation was completed at the end of July 2020, the Italian  Bio-LNG plant from the landfill of Novi Ligure is now fully functioning.

The plant, capable of producing 1 tonne day of Bio-LNG equal to approximately 5,000 km of travel with zero emissions, may be proposed for the exploitation of landfill biogas as an alternative to the traditional use for the production of electricity.

The project was promoted by SRT SpA, a public company owned by 115 municipalities in the lower eastern Piedmont area (Acquese, Novese, Ovadese and Tortonese) - which manages the waste enhancement, treatment and disposal plants of Novi Ligure and Tortona - and Ecospray Technologies Srl, a leading gas treatment company that was born in 2005 from the association between the FlowTech Group and some managers with international experience and expertise in the environmental field, in particular in that of air purification.

The company SO.GE.DI joined the project - among the first in Italy in the distribution of liquid methane in its L-CNG stations located in Novi Ligure and Tortona - which will market the liquid biomethane to the public.

"Intercepting the biogas produced by landfills is a fundamental practice for respecting the environment, as well as a legal obligation provided for in the authorizations for the management of public landfills" says Alberto Mallarino Chairman of the Board of Directors of SRT S.p.A. "Biogas is a greenhouse gas characterized by a high climate-altering power - about 30 times that of carbon dioxide - which must not be released into the atmosphere and if properly captured and managed in landfill plants it can become an important source of energy production clean. For this reason we have welcomed with great interest Ecospray's proposal to build a demonstration plant in Novi Ligure that perfectly combines the objectives of our Company in terms of environmental protection and innovative waste treatment”.

"We are taking a step further, with this plant we do not only produce biomethane but Bio-LNG that is liquefied biomethane, ready to be used as fuel also for heavy transport" declares Giorgio Copelli, Director of Industry & Renewables in Ecospray Technologies "Together biomethane and Bio-LNG are a double opportunity, transforming waste into a valid resource for land and sea transport and an example of a circular economy that includes all the stakeholders in the supply chain”.
