Anthony Veder acquisition confirms LNG fuelled carriers market increasing

Dutch Shipowner Anthony Veder expands its fleets and acquires two more 10.000 bcm vesseles. The two carriers are designed to carry LNG and other petrochemical products including ethylene .

 The Dutch shipping company counts now on a 33 vessels fleet, of which eight can carry out operations in the small scale LNG sector.

In a press release, the CEO Jan Valkier says that the acquisition would allow Anthony Veder to increment its presence in the small scale LNG as well as in the petrochemical gas segment. The fleet expansion confirm the company commitment to offer a safe and sustainable shipping solutions to their customers while sustaining the development of the gas shipping sector.

The two gas tankers, which have been part of the Skaugen fleet, have been renamed Coral Favia and Coral Fungia. Anthony Veder will now upgrade them to its standard and make them ready to enter into service in the second quarter of 2019. The latest trends of the LNG market will be addressed at the fifth International Conference on Small Scale LNG within “The Small Scale LNG Use, Euro-Mediterranean Conference&Expo”, which will be held next 15/16 May in Naples.

Source: Anthony Veder