Also in Turin waste collection with LNG

After the experimentation of four LNG vehicles started in 2020, the Cidiu Group of environmental hygiene, which takes care of the collection and treatment of the waste of 13 municipalities (258 thousand resident citizens) in the north-west area of Turin, has another 13 arriving liquid methane vehicles. The compactors will transport more than 2500 tons of waste every month (30% of the payload of the entire fleet) with a monthly CO2 saving of about 2 tons. Cidiu's initiative follows the commitment of the Piacenza-based IREN Ambiente which has invested in LNG since 2019.

The new vehicles were presented on 25 May in the presence of the mayor of Collegno Francesco Casciano, the mayor of Grugliasco Roberto Montà and the Councilor for the Environment of Rivoli Alfonso Lettieri, the main municipalities of the area. "One year after the LNG vehicles came into service, the results speak for themselves - says Lorenzo Destefanis, technical manager of the Cidiu Group -: these vehicles have already guaranteed the considerable environmental benefit of over 6 tons of carbon dioxide saved, to which there is also a considerable economic benefit in terms of refueling costs ”.

 "Methane represents for us an important step in the perspective of a low-impact, clean and efficient waste collection service - comments Marco Scolaro, CEO of Cidiu -. In the last six years, numerous electric vehicles have joined the fleet, but it remained to understand how to carry out in a more ecological way all those activities for which the power of an exclusively electric motor would not be enough, and our technicians have identified in methane the technology currently most advantageous ".

 "Our choice was also favored by the presence of a network of LNG refueling stations, - continues Destefanis - including the" BLU LNG "station in Beinasco where we are today for this demonstration event, the first open in the province of Turin, and where from the beginning of the experimentation we were able to start refueling our first vehicles. Today, LNG refueling times are even lower than the filling times of a diesel tank ”.

Source: TorinoOggi