The malaysian tank owner and operator AET has named and welcomed its first LNG dual-fuelled aframax vessels, Eagle Brasilia and Eagle Bintulu at a ceremony held at the Samsung Heavy Industry Co Ltd’s (SHI) shipyard in Geoje, South Korea.

Both vessels have been taken on long-term charter by Shell International Trading and Shipping Company Limited (Shell), primarily for operations in the Atlantic Basin, and will begin operating for the company from Q4 2018.

The vessels, in compliance with NOx Tier III emission when operating in gas mode, are equipped with conventional single screw propulsion with two-stroke main engine, three auxiliary engines and two auxiliary boilers, all equipped for LNG dual fuel capability.

LNG fuel is supplied through two type-C tanks of 850 cubic metres each arranged on the main deck aft port and starboard. Each LNG tank is equipped with two LNG feed pumps which provide full redundancy for operation. The vessels are designed to receive LNG fuel from LNG bunkering vessels (via ship-to-ship transfer). The vessels will be able to trade with LNG fuel for approx. 6,000 nautical miles.

Captain Rajalingam Subramaniam, President and CEO, AET, said: “We welcome these vessels as the first in what will be an expanding fleet of LNG dual-fuelled vessels in the years to come, as part of our Group's Green Sustainability Agenda.”

AET’s fleet -  which is controlled by MISC Berhad (MISC), a subsidiary of the integrated petroleum corporation PETRONAS - consists of more than 110 owned and in-chartered LNG, Chemical and Petroleum vessels with additionally 15 floating facilities with a combined capacity of 12 million dwt..

Source: AET