Great success of the initiative of the Authority of harbor system of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea that launched a public procedure for the realization of an LNG storage deposit in the port of Naples. The initiative, which was announced during 4th ConferenzaGNL held last May 2017 in Naples, was preceded by a pre-feasibility analysis driven by the University of Campania, launched last January 26 at the same time as a public request for an expression of interest (to be delivered by 26 February) for the construction of the plant. The request was addressed to companies and associations of companies that had already built plants of this type. The study was only an indication and the companies were free to present different solutions.

As announced last February 27th, the day after the end of the Authority's deadline 17 subjects responded to the request for expression of interest: ButanGas, Confapi Napoli, De Biase , Edison, Energas, Engie, Galdieri, Italcost, Higas, Kuwait Petroleum, Liquigas, Marine Service, Maxcom Bunker, Snam, So.De.Co., Sofregaz, Wartsila Italy.

The President of the Authority, Pietro Spirito, expressed "great satisfaction for the attention the market found with respect to the proposal and the pre-feasibility study presented. In the next few days we will evaluate the submitted applications and define the path in order to activate the procedures consistent with the characteristics of the documentation we received. By mid-March we will define the process and proceed to inform the participating companies about the next steps". This proposals analysis includes a dialogue with the companies and the publication of a call for tenders for the assignment of the project.

The Authority reminds that the port of Naples is one of the eight national ports for which an LNG storage deposit is planned according both to the national energy strategy and under the DAFI directive for alternative fuel infrastructures in the main European ports to 2025.
